Zoggs Float-Bands – All Sizes

SKU: 9407 Categories: ,

Zoggs Float Bands feature a flat contoured under-arm gusset for comfort. Twin air chambers and separate safety valves in each band allow the regulation of air in one or both chambers as confidence increases.
Made from heavy duty material which will not puncture or tear easily.
Trusted Zoggs brand.

For children with mild to moderate severity cerebral palsy, Float-Bands can further assist them to float upright in the water while wearing a Wet Vest (Item 9870)

For children with Hemiplegia, there is less movement of the affected side. If the affected arm is not used, movement like water walking/jogging will result in going around in circles.
In the mildly affected child, they quickly learn how to start using their arm more effectively.
If the arm does not start to move spontaneously in a reciprocal pattern, add a small size Float Band to the affected arm over the elbow. This will hold the arm straight out from the body, encouraging whole arm movements and strengthening the shoulder muscles. As the child’s strength improves, move the Float Band down to just above the wrist… increasing the lever arm. As better reciprocal movement develops, gradually take the air out of the Float- Band until they are able to do a four-point reciprocal jog on their own. Karen Pape MD

Size Options:
Item 9407S: under 1 year old – up to 12.5kg
Item 9407M: 1-3 years old – up to 15kg
Item 9407L: 3-6 years old – up to 25kg
