Critter Cap

SKU: 9855 Category:

The cap’s 100% soft silicone design provides comfort and durability which protects hair against chlorine and sun damage. These caps come in a variety of designs and are specifically made for youth swimmers with smaller heads (Typically from 4-10 years old). The Critter cap’s rippled edges and snug fit around the base of the cap keeps the cap from falling off while swimming.

Fun Animal Designs
Soft ears or fins protrude from the top of the head.

Choose from the following designs:

Pink Bear 9855-PB
Pink Cat 9855-PC
Red Cat 9855-RC
Blue Fish 9855-BF
Spotted Blue Fish 9855-SBF
Yellow Fish 9855-YF
Grey Camo Shark 9855-GCS
Blue Camo Fish 9855-BCF
Silver Piranha 9855-SP
Orange Clown Fish 9855-OCF
White Cat 9855-WC
Blue Piranha 9855-BP
Orca 9855-OR
Great White 9855-GWS
